Sales - Success Package

The goal is to help you sell more and also have fun while doing it! 

We start with an initial deep dive into your sales process, then build a plan, and help make it happen. Then offer ongoing services to continually test new ideas to drive growth.

Initial Sales Chat Audit

Step #1 -- Initial sales audit

Ever talked to a company and they instantly give you the best plan of attack after only a quick 10 minute call? It probably is a good idea - but you need to spend a bit more time than that to truly understand a business's needs. 

We complete a multi-step audit to fully understand how best to approach your sales chat rollout:

  • Review of product, marketing, and sales with key stakeholders.
  • Deep dive into sales process with at least 2 sales-reps or BDRs. 
  • Analysis of current sales & marketing systems.

step #2 -- Planning & implementation

A lot actually goes into your sales to make it successful, so once we have a good understanding of your business - we build out the plan of attack. 

Once the plan is ready to go we like to spend an hour together talking through the details to be sure we didn't miss anything. 

Sales Chat Planning and Implementation

Sales Chat Training and Change management

Step #3 -- training & change management

Making sure everyone on the team knows the how and why behind the changes that we're working with you to implement. 

Ongoing training for new reps or those that need a little extra hand holding.

We will dial in on key metrics to show your team how successful they are, to drive the good behavior we're all looking for. 

Ready to Get Started?

We recommend the 3-step approach to furthering your sales success, but if you're looking for something a bit more custom - we can do that too. Get in touch with us to chat through your needs or schedule a free consultation.

Pricing is custom for every customer based on team size and needs.